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Otorhinolaryngology International Academic Conference
in conjunction with


Indonesian Annual Scientific Meeting Otology XIII


Bali Nusa Dua Convention Centre Indonesia

OCTOBER 25th - 27th 2023


October 19th - 20th 2023

Skull Base Dissection Course


October 25th - 27th 2023

  • Symposium
  • Minimal Invasive Otology Office Procedure (MIOP)
  • e-Poster Presentation
  • Resident Scientific Meeting
  • Faculty Dinner
  • Gala Dinner
  • Exhibition

  • Bali

    October 23rd - 24th 2023

    Temporal Bone Dissection Course


    October 30th - Nov 3rd 2023

    Temporal Bone Dissection Course


    Welcome Speech

    dr. Marlinda Adham, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L.,Subsp.Onk.(K), PhD, FACS

    It is truly an honor for us to hold the Otorhinolaryngology International Academic Conference (ORLIAC) XII in conjunction with the Indonesian Annual Scientific Otology Meeting (PITO) XIII, which will be held in Nusa Dua, Bali, on 25th - 27th October 2023. Temporal Bone Cadaver, a routine activity during the annual PITO, will be held on 23rd - 24th October 2023 in the Faculty of Medicine Udayana University Bali. This meeting will be held in collaboration with PERHATI-KL (Indonesian ORL-HNS Society) and The Otorhinolaryngology Department of Udayana Faculty of Medicine Bali.

    Accordingly, the ASEAN Skull Base society will conduct the skull base course in Manila on 9-10 October 2023 as a pre-event, and the Temporal Bone Dissection Course in Bangkok will be held as a post-event of ORLIAC on 30 Oct - 3 November 2023. Ear and hearing health problems are common and require hard work and collaboration from all ORL-HNS specialists. The continuity of the Otorhinolaryngology International Academic Conference (ORLIAC) XII in conjunction with the Indonesian Annual Scientific Meeting Otology (PITO) XIII as a recurring event proves that this meeting is essential to disseminate scientific, technological, and research advances in the fields of Otology, Neurotology, Community ENT, Head and Neck Surgery, Laryngology, Rhinology-Allergy, and Plastic Reconstructive. This event will provide space for discussion from basic research to the new cutting-edge management paradigm.

    JASS comprised of several events such as webinar, workshops including cadaveric dissection, topped off with symposium that will be held offline. We hope all of the participants will enjoy the entire event proceedings and all will be done smoothly.

    The spirit of East meets West in ORLIAC, initiated by Prof Jan Veldman, has enormously expanded, as shown by the exponential increase in the number of experts attending the event from within and outside the country. The intermingling of East and West Countries will undoubtedly open up broader horizons of knowledge and increase the capabilities of research and clinical applications. Otorhinolaryngology International Academic Conference (ORLIAC) XII and Indonesian Annual Scientific Otology Meeting (PITO) XIII is expected to provide countless most updated chance to transfer knowledge and information including basic knowledge, updated research, and future challenges. It is with great hope that we believe this event will benefit all of us. Held on the magnificent island of Bali, the beauty this island offers will undoubtedly be a welcomed respite to all the participants. The natural beauty and fascinating culture would be an added value for all the participants visiting this event. We are ready to welcome you with warm regards and genuinely hope that we will be able to meet you at ORLIAC XII & PITO XIII Bali.




    $350 (Early Bird)

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    IDR 3.500.000 (Early Bird)

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